Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thanksgiving Leftovers

That, indeed, is the name of this quilt top. It consists of what I call "crumbs," scraps too small to fit into my category of normally useful. That is, less that 2.5" square, but at least 1" in both dimensions. I'll share the link for the tutorial, aptly entitled "Mile a Minute" Blocks!

Background: I heard about this block on Stashbuster. So I read through the tutorial (quite easy) and committed it to memory. I was having a bad day, so I just sat down and made a bunch of these in browns (Browns?!) and stuck 'em in a box. They're in the box about a week and a half when I hear that my beloved Uncle Don has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Of course I called and offered a prayer quilt. And he says, "You know, I'd like one that's a little funky." Doy! I had already been at work! So, simple framing with black and--would you believe it?--the border fabric was cut and just waiting in my scrap box! I only had a few inches left over. Talk about "A God Thing!"*

*That's what we say--a lot!-- in our Prayer Quilt Ministry when something comes together so perfectly with supplies and timing and requests. It's amazing. Even the beloved atheists in my life might agree that we get an awful lot of happy coincidences. (If I had a smily, I'd put one here.)