For eight years, I was on the bead scene. I made and sold extravagant beaded jewelry, taught classes, and went to bead stores all over the country; happily assembling artwork out of color and light. It was fun. It was invigorating. I even took a year-long class that moved me into the artistic world. But something was missing: I didn't feel like I was really serving God; really making the world any better. Sure, I was making it prettier and I was earning money that I could give to good causes, but it just didn't seem like enough.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm sure people can do beadwork to improve the world; it just wasn't right for me.
"Lucky Kid" lotto quilt
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm sure people can do beadwork to improve the world; it just wasn't right for me.
Then, five years ago, I took a little workshop at a Girl Scout Leader Day. They brought sewing machines, cutting mats and rotary cutters, and piles of fabric. There we learned to cut, piece, assemble, and tie a mini-quilt. I loved it! I went right out and purchased a cutter (I already had a mat and a ruler from another artistic endeavor: making miniature books!), some fabric, and a few hooks to hang my supplies on.
I started taking classes at local quilt shops. I was an absolute madwoman! I wanted to know what thread to use, which way to press my seams, if I should put water in the iron, what foot to use... I probably required more attention than I deserved, but my teachers were patient and knowledgeable. Eventually, my seams straightened and I learned how to follow a pattern.
Nine months in, there was a notice in the church bulletin. "QUILTERS WANTED." Hey, that was me! Someone was starting a prayer quilt ministry. I might have been a baby quilter, but I was quilting. So I called immediately and was invited to the very first meeting. Five years later, I'm still going strong. I'm sure I've made at least a hundred tops! And they're going to comfort people who are suffering. I'm doing good. Yay.
"Miss Mousie" back
Now Friday has become Prayer Quilt Ministry Day. It's wonderful to be able to go to the church and sew with anywhere between 5 and 15 other quilters! Today I showed up with two quilts that needed borders... and I finished both tops!