This is my take-along sewing kit. I made it from a Ver-Mints box (ginger variety) and some scraps from current projects. I just glued the docorations on and a magnet to the inside lid. The scrap of fabric inside is stored on top of the scissors to keep it away from the magnet.
I've been quilting like a fiend (note to self: find out if fiends really quilt) and finding out that it's really a good bicep workout. All three quilts now have the binding attached and ready to be sewn down.
Here's a close-up of my deliberate meander quilting style.
And I've taken to making Continuous Bias Binding, following the instructions from buzzville. I've heard that bias binding is preferable to non-bias because it wears better. Whatever. Once I have it ironed in half, I don't want to have to iron it again later or get it tangled, so I roll it up on a TP tube. Works great. I still have one roll left to go.
Then it stays neat as I sew it down. See how it works as I'm attaching the binding to "Home Sweet Home".
*Current inventory of the Big Bag of Activities: one quilt that needs binding sewn down, multicolored sock project, the Red Thread sampler, snacks, hand wipes, one copy of Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine, and one pink Bible. It's kinda like a toddler's busy bag.