Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Camera on its way

Yes, the Borg-vision persists, but a new camera is on the way! HP took me through the dance, trying to figure out what the problem was. Their diagnosis was "internal hardware malfunction." I was told that was "unfortunate." I'll say! I got the impression they were cutting me a deal when they offered me various models of new and refurbished HP cameras. I did a little research and discovered the "deal" was nothing less than full price. Ack! So I ordered the camera I wanted from Beach Camera through Amazon, for $52 less than HP's price and NO SHIPPING charge!

So there!
In stitching news, I picked up Old Sturbridge Village today and got a little more done. It's really not got far to go so maybe I can finish it before it has to go away again. Yes, I know this isn't a picture of my stitching, but it is Sturbridge, after all. As a crafty blog, I feel that pictures are required.

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